Feb 7, 2018 | diet, food, habits, nutrition, training
WHAT IS IT? So metabolism is a misunderstood topic. Well this should help you understand the topic better, as well as knowing what’s in your control. Your metabolism is made up of the following: Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) The calories you burn to stay alive. All the...
Feb 4, 2018 | diet, food, habits, nutrition
How to BoostMETABOLISM Metabolism is a very misunderstood topic. I’m sure you’ve had or overheard a conversation along the lines of… Person A (who is physically bigger, to Person B who is smaller): “oh you’re so lucky you’ve got a super fast metabolism!”. Or...
Jan 28, 2018 | diet, food, habits, nutrition
Calorie Crunching “How many calories should I be eating to lose weight?” This is a question I’m asked often. For weight loss, it’s important you’re in a calorie deficit, where you’re eating less (slightly) than your body burns. For most people asking themselves this...
Jan 21, 2018 | food, habits, nutrition
the dose is the poison Dosage matters…a lot! I hear more and more people say things along the lines of, if you can’t pronounce something then don’t it eat…Supposedly “processed” or “junk” food contains chemicals…but what isn’t processed nowadays? You get...
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