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What is it?

What is it?

WHAT IS IT?So metabolism is a misunderstood topic. Well this should help you understand the topic better, as well as knowing what’s in your control. Your metabolism is made up of the following: Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) The calories you burn to stay alive. All the...

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How to Boost Metabolism

How to Boost Metabolism

How to BoostMETABOLISM Metabolism is a very misunderstood topic. I’m sure you’ve had or overheard a conversation along the lines of...  Person A (who is physically bigger, to Person B who is smaller): “oh you’re so lucky you’ve got a super fast metabolism!”. Or...

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Calorie Crunching

Calorie Crunching

Calorie Crunching“How many calories should I be eating to lose weight?”This is a question I’m asked often. For weight loss, it’s important you’re in a calorie deficit, where you’re eating less (slightly) than your body burns. For most people asking themselves this...

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The Dose is the Poison

The Dose is the Poison

the dose is the poisonDosage matters...a lot! I hear more and more people say things along the lines of, if you can’t pronounce something then don’t it eat…Supposedly “processed” or “junk” food contains chemicals...but what isn’t processed nowadays? You get your...

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Can’t You Just Give Me a Diet Plan

Can’t You Just Give Me a Diet Plan

Can’t You Just Give Me a Diet PlanTowards the end of last year I spoke to an ex client who wanted to come back. They were adamant they’d try harder if I gave them a diet plan, interesting thinking there...   “Can’t you just tell me what to eat everyday and I’ll do...

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Don’t be the engineer

Don’t be the engineer

Don’t Be the Engineer ...Of your own downfall. Especially through self-sabotage or non-action. Focus on solutions not barriers! Accountability Results, unsurprisingly are achieved by those who take responsibility to act, putting specific actions into place to get them...

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Could I Get Out On Bail

Could I Get Out On Bail

Could I Get Out On Bail What If I Killed 4 People?! Could I get out on bail if I lived in the States? What about if I was granted bail, then escaped to Mexico? What’s the point of this anyway? Say you saw progress for the first 6 months of your training, then things...

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BANG for Your Buck!

BANG for Your Buck!

BANG FOR YOUR BUCK When you go to the gym, WHAT exactly are you going for? You may think to yourself, “so that I can lose weight and tone up”. This is fine, but it represents the outcome you’re hoping to achieve, which is also fine. But what are you looking to achieve...

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Don’t eat it

Don’t eat it

DON'T EAT IT Let’s revisit the old argument about toxic and chemicals. A former client recently asked me to research the ingredients in a supplement they’d been given. It got me thinking...I find people agreeing with things without really questioning it. Statements...

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A few words

A few words

A few words Two things...We burn calories daily, suppose you were in bed all day, you’d still burn a certain amount. This differs from person to person. Basal metabolic rate Exercise is not punishment for overeating...HOWEVER Keep thinking like that if you’d like to...

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30 Plus

30 Plus

30 Plus As we get older, we can’t get away with certain things we may have when we were younger, like going out 5 nights in a row, and not working on our flexibility. Here are a few things I’ve learnt from training people who are 30+. Learning how to perform movements...

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5 Tips To Improve Your Results From Training

5 Tips To Improve Your Results From Training

5 Tips To Improve Your Results From Training Get Comfortable With the Uncomfortable For many people, simply training harder will be a good enough stimulus to elicit results. It may not come naturally, but it’s something you should develop, this is the time you...

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