Feb 7, 2018 | diet, food, habits, nutrition, training
WHAT IS IT? So metabolism is a misunderstood topic. Well this should help you understand the topic better, as well as knowing what’s in your control. Your metabolism is made up of the following: Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) The calories you burn to stay alive. All the...
Feb 4, 2018 | diet, food, habits, nutrition
How to BoostMETABOLISM Metabolism is a very misunderstood topic. I’m sure you’ve had or overheard a conversation along the lines of… Person A (who is physically bigger, to Person B who is smaller): “oh you’re so lucky you’ve got a super fast metabolism!”. Or...
Jan 28, 2018 | diet, food, habits, nutrition
Calorie Crunching “How many calories should I be eating to lose weight?” This is a question I’m asked often. For weight loss, it’s important you’re in a calorie deficit, where you’re eating less (slightly) than your body burns. For most people asking themselves this...
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