Don’t Be the Engineer

…Of your own downfall.

Especially through self-sabotage or non-action. Focus on solutions not barriers!


Results, unsurprisingly are achieved by those who take responsibility to act, putting specific actions into place to get them closer to the end goal. People sometimes regress, this is normal, just focus on the important things that need to be put into place. The majority of people I have consultations with are at the stage of contemplation and preparation, and tend to commit to taking action. Those who action and maintain behaviours which are conducive to achieving their results…

Surprise, surprise…

Tend to get the results. Commit to too much however, or follow a plan which isn’t FOR YOU, and you’ll likely relapse…Think of people in January, especially the ones who maintain their endeavours and those who give up after a few weeks or months…

At this moment in time, what stage are you currently at?

Let’s hear from you!

Actions > Words



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